The Call To War

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CNN: 'Behind the scenes, Democrats are preparing to confront President Donald Trump if he loses the election next month to Democrat Joe Biden – if Trump claims that the result is rigged, refuses to engage in a peaceful transition or tries to challenge the result through the courts, Congress or statehouses. The Biden campaign and congressional Democrats are strategizing together to wage a post-election response to Trump on two fronts – anticipating both a legal challenge and a messaging war – as Trump's attacks on the election have only intensified while he's lagging in the polls two weeks ahead of Election Day, with voting already underway. Outside groups are also mobilizing to try to blunt any efforts to dispute the vote count after November 3.' Java edition account.

Call to War Lyrics The Lone Bellow – Call to War. No Comments; 0 Tags; Tables prepared in streets of gold You've bared your tears from starry stone The stage is set so we can fly But suns will set and hearts are wild 'Til the southern wind puts me 6 feet down My feet won't rest 'til my love is found Remember when the mountains fell Like. Call of War puts players in charge of a nation during World War 2. They must train their military forces, develop new technologies, and much more as they try to expand their borders and take control of provinces. The player who earns a certain number of Victory Points wins the game. The Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Wakizashi sword is a fun addition to the game. To unlock it, you are required to complete a challenge. The Call to War Show Description Genre Science Fiction Created by Pinguinus. Starring Douglas Henshall as Sir Peter of Burgonshire Allison Scagliotti as Voan John Hurt as the War Doctor Antagonist Dalek Emperor Searing Daleks The Master Protagonist Sir Peter of Burgonshire Setting The Cruciform Production Broadcast Template Creator.

Wow The Call To War

The call to war

'Trump has repeatedly made baseless claims that the election will be fraudulent and stolen from him, saying, ‘The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.' Democratic sources say that they are taking the President at his word. Logic pro for dummies pdf. The Biden campaign is preparing for any number of legal contingencies that could arise if the vote is close, while lawmakers are preparing for plausible – and also quite implausible – scenarios that could arise if the presidential election were kicked to Congress to decide a winner. Democrats are also readying a response to Trump's claims of fraud – which could cause his voters to doubt the legitimacy of the result, even if it's a Biden landslide – with plans underway for nationwide protests should Trump try to dispute the result. They're also working with social media companies to try to discourage a premature declaration of victory on election night.'

Zechariah 9:9-17

(God says,)
'Celebrate, my chosen people,
And whoop it up!
Look, the Emperor comes!
With all the trappings of a winner,
'Rising out of obscurity
He will rid our land
Of all the war machines
And of the enemy soldiers.
He will impose world peace.
And, for a change, you will dominate
The whole world from pole to pole.
'Because you sacrificed blood for me
I will free your prisoners of war.
They will come home,
And all your hopes will come true,
Beyond your wildest dreams!
'I will make you into a war machine,
And raise your armies
Against those who have invaded you
And I use you to cut them down.
'Then they will see God:
Like a flash of lightning,
Like a sonic boom,
They won't know what hit them.
'Your armies will have God's protection
And will annihilate those who stand in their way.
Your armies will gorge on their blood,
The way bowls of blood fill as sacrificed animals
Bleed on the altar.
'God will preserve them,
Like jewels in God's own crown.
God will give you everything you always wanted:,
Young men will feel their oats;
And young women will be drunk.'

'Trump has repeatedly made baseless claims that the election will be fraudulent and stolen from him, saying, ‘The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.' Democratic sources say that they are taking the President at his word. Logic pro for dummies pdf. The Biden campaign is preparing for any number of legal contingencies that could arise if the vote is close, while lawmakers are preparing for plausible – and also quite implausible – scenarios that could arise if the presidential election were kicked to Congress to decide a winner. Democrats are also readying a response to Trump's claims of fraud – which could cause his voters to doubt the legitimacy of the result, even if it's a Biden landslide – with plans underway for nationwide protests should Trump try to dispute the result. They're also working with social media companies to try to discourage a premature declaration of victory on election night.'

Zechariah 9:9-17

(God says,)
'Celebrate, my chosen people,
And whoop it up!
Look, the Emperor comes!
With all the trappings of a winner,
'Rising out of obscurity
He will rid our land
Of all the war machines
And of the enemy soldiers.
He will impose world peace.
And, for a change, you will dominate
The whole world from pole to pole.
'Because you sacrificed blood for me
I will free your prisoners of war.
They will come home,
And all your hopes will come true,
Beyond your wildest dreams!
'I will make you into a war machine,
And raise your armies
Against those who have invaded you
And I use you to cut them down.
'Then they will see God:
Like a flash of lightning,
Like a sonic boom,
They won't know what hit them.
'Your armies will have God's protection
And will annihilate those who stand in their way.
Your armies will gorge on their blood,
The way bowls of blood fill as sacrificed animals
Bleed on the altar.
'God will preserve them,
Like jewels in God's own crown.
God will give you everything you always wanted:,
Young men will feel their oats;
And young women will be drunk.'

Zechariah was, in 520 B.C.E., a recruiter for Jihad. Call it a Crusade if it makes you feel better: a holy war, regardless of the term you prefer. By the time Zechariah utters this call to arms in the name of God, generations of Israelites had been living under the harsh rule of foreign powers.

It's ugly. There is no getting around it. Generations of oppression and abuse, of hopelessness, lead to this. Nothing in this awful list of what Zechariah promises his people they will do in revenge is anything other than the pent-up reenactment of what has been done to them, over and over, by those occupying powers he promises God will, with them as God's vengeance, overthrow and punish.

When we see the atrocities of I.S.I.L., of genocidal massacres in Burma, of American riots from Chicago and Baltimore in 1868, to Rodney King Ferguson, we are right to call out the hatred, violence and destruction. And, if we will be faithful, we will also recognize that the ugliness we lament is a mirror of what our habits of behaving as though we are chosen above others has has cost, even when that cost has been invisible to us. Or, more likely, costs that we have known but ignored.

As ugly as this oracle is, if it jolts us into a more realistic picture of ourselves, it may be a proper Lenten text after all. Java image editor.

The Call To War Wow

(Eye of the Storm by Peter Forster on Unsplash)

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