Ftp To Azure Cloud Service

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Secure file transfer SaaS for FTP, FTPS and SFTP. Fully managed service for the large enterprise. We offer a fully managed hosting service (SaaS) for FTP, FTPS and SFTP right from your own Azure Cloud account. Support for syncing files to Azure Storage, Amazon S3 and Google Cloud. We offer a fully managed hosting service (SaaS) for FTP, FTPS and SFTP right from your own Azure Cloud account. Support for syncing files to Azure Storage, Amazon S3 and Google Cloud. Our functionality includes sending secure download links via email, uploading files to your website through our simple plugin and read/write shared folders with notifications.

  1. Ftp To Azure Cloud Services
  2. Ftp To Azure Cloud Service Providers
  3. Ftp To Azure App Service
  4. Azure App Service Ftp Port
Documentation » Using WinSCP » Guides » Cloud Computing » Microsoft Azure »

With WinSCP you can easily upload and manage files on your Microsoft Azure instance/service over SFTP protocol or FTPS protocol.

  • Connecting to an App Service (Web Site) with FTPS

Before starting you should have WinSCP installed.

First, collect information about your virtual machine instance, on the Azure portal:

  • Host name:
    • Use IP address you find in the Public IP address section on your virtual machine instance page;
    • Or setup a DNS name for the virtual machine by clicking on the Configure link in DNS name section. A Configuration panel opens. There, in the DNS name label, enter a sub domain for your virtual machine. Click Save button. A full hostname now appears in the DNS name section in a format subdomain.location.cloudapp.azure.com.
  • Username: Use the username, that you created, when creating the virtual machine.
  • Host key fingerprint: On the first connect you will be prompted to verify server host key.
    To securely acquire a fingerprint of the host key:
    • On your virtual machine instance page, use Run command function. You will find it in the virtual machine menu, in Operations group.
    • Select 'RunShellScript' command.
    • Paste the following command:
    • You will get an output like: The set of key types will vary with your virtual machine image.
  • When creating new virtual machine, prefer setting up public key authentication by pasting your public key to SSH public key box in the Basics step in the Administrator account section. If you want to setup public key authentication later, you have to set it up manually.

To connect to a virtual machine instance with SFTP, start WinSCP. Login dialog will appear. On the dialog:

  • Make sure New site node is selected.
  • On the New site node, make sure SFTP protocol is selected.
  • Enter Host name.
  • Enter User name.
  • Enter a password for the username. Or specify a private key, if you set up a public key authentication.
  • Save your site settings using the Save button.
  • Login using the Login button.
  • Verify the host key by comparing fingerprints with those collected before (see above).


First you need to install a FTPS server on the virtual machine.

To connect to the virtual machine with FTPS, start WinSCP. Login dialog will appear. On the dialog:

  • Make sure New site node is selected.
  • On the New site node, select FTP protocol and TLS/SSL Explicit encryption.
  • In Host name box enter an address of your virtual machine:
    • Use IP address you find in the Public IP address section on your virtual machine instance page on the Azure portal.
    • Or setup a DNS name for the virtual machine by clicking on the Configure link in DNS name section. A Configuration panel opens. There, in the DNS name label, enter a sub domain for your virtual machine. Click Save button. A full hostname now appears in the DNS name section in a format subdomain.location.cloudapp.azure.com.
  • Enter username and password of an account you want to connect with. Use the account you have specified when creating the instance or any other account you have created on the instance.
  • Save your site settings using the Save button.
  • Login using the Login button.
  • If you are using self-signed certificate, you will be prompted to accept it.

First, collect information about your app service (previously web site), on the Azure portal:

  • Host name: Copy host name from FTPS hostname section on the Overview page.
  • User Name: Copy username from the FTP/deployment username section on the Overview page. If you did not set up an FTP account yet, goto Deployment Center page and select FTP in Manual Deployment section and switch to User Credentials tab. User name has a form nameuser. You need to use both parts when authenticating.

To connect to the web site with FTPS, start WinSCP. Login dialog will appear. On the dialog:

  • Make sure New site node is selected.
  • On the New site node, select FTP protocol and TLS/SSL Explicit encryption.
  • In Host name box paste a host name of your instance in format waws-prod-xxx-xxx.ftp.azurewebsites.windows.net. You can also paste a complete URL to select protocol, encryption and insert host name at once.
  • Enter the User name and the Password.
  • Save your site settings using the Save button.
  • Login using the Login button.
  • Web site TLS/SSL certificate is signed by a trusted authority, so you won't be prompted to verify it.

See example for automating update of a WebJob on an App Service/Web Site.

  • Guide to uploading files to SFTP/FTPS server;
  • Guide to automating operations (including upload);
  • Guide to connecting to Amazon EC2 server with SFTP;
  • Guide to connecting to Google Compute Engine server with SFTP.



APPLIES TO: Azure Data Factory Azure Synapse Analytics No rar file.

This article outlines how to copy data from FTP server. To learn about Azure Data Factory, read the introductory article.

Supported capabilities

This FTP connector is supported for the following activities:

  • Copy activity with supported source/sink matrix

Specifically, this FTP connector supports:

  • Copying files using Basic or Anonymous authentication.
  • Copying files as-is or parsing files with the supported file formats and compression codecs.

The FTP connector support FTP server running in passive mode. Active mode is not supported.


If your data store is located inside an on-premises network, an Azure virtual network, or Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, you need to configure a self-hosted integration runtime to connect to it.

Alternatively, if your data store is a managed cloud data service, you can use Azure integration runtime. If the access is restricted to IPs that are approved in the firewall rules, you can add Azure Integration Runtime IPs into the allow list.


Touch in public music video. For more information about the network security mechanisms and options supported by Data Factory, see Data access strategies.

Get started

To perform the Copy activity with a pipeline, you can use one of the following tools or SDKs:

The following sections provide details about properties that are used to define Data Factory entities specific to FTP.

Linked service properties

Ftp To Azure Cloud Services

The following properties are supported for FTP linked service:

typeThe type property must be set to: FtpServer.Yes
hostSpecify the name or IP address of the FTP server.Yes
portSpecify the port on which the FTP server is listening.
Allowed values are: integer, default value is 21.
enableSslSpecify whether to use FTP over an SSL/TLS channel.
Allowed values are: true (default), false.
enableServerCertificateValidationSpecify whether to enable server TLS/SSL certificate validation when you are using FTP over SSL/TLS channel.
Allowed values are: true (default), false.
authenticationTypeSpecify the authentication type.
Allowed values are: Basic, Anonymous
userNameSpecify the user who has access to the FTP server.No
passwordSpecify the password for the user (userName). Mark this field as a SecureString to store it securely in Data Factory, or reference a secret stored in Azure Key Vault.No
connectViaThe Integration Runtime to be used to connect to the data store. Learn more from Prerequisites section. If not specified, it uses the default Azure Integration Runtime.No


The FTP connector supports accessing FTP server with either no encryption or explicit SSL/TLS encryption; it doesn't support implicit SSL/TLS encryption.

Example 1: using Anonymous authentication

Example 2: using Basic authentication

Dataset properties

For a full list of sections and properties available for defining datasets, see the Datasets article.

Azure Data Factory supports the following file formats. Refer to each article for format-based settings.

The following properties are supported for FTP under location settings in format-based dataset:

typeThe type property under location in dataset must be set to FtpServerLocation.Yes
folderPathThe path to folder. If you want to use wildcard to filter folder, skip this setting and specify in activity source settings.No
fileNameThe file name under the given folderPath. If you want to use wildcard to filter files, skip this setting and specify in activity source settings.No


Copy activity properties

For a full list of sections and properties available for defining activities, see the Pipelines article. This section provides a list of properties supported by FTP source.

FTP as source

Azure Data Factory supports the following file formats. Refer to each article for format-based settings.

The following properties are supported for FTP under storeSettings settings in format-based copy source:

typeThe type property under storeSettings must be set to FtpReadSettings.Yes
Locate the files to copy:
OPTION 1: static path
Copy from the given folder/file path specified in the dataset. If you want to copy all files from a folder, additionally specify wildcardFileName as *.
OPTION 2: wildcard
- wildcardFolderPath
The folder path with wildcard characters to filter source folders.
Allowed wildcards are: * (matches zero or more characters) and ? (matches zero or single character); use ^ to escape if your actual folder name has wildcard or this escape char inside.
See more examples in Folder and file filter examples.
OPTION 2: wildcard
- wildcardFileName
The file name with wildcard characters under the given folderPath/wildcardFolderPath to filter source files.
Allowed wildcards are: * (matches zero or more characters) and ? (matches zero or single character); use ^ to escape if your actual file name has wildcard or this escape char inside. See more examples in Folder and file filter examples.
OPTION 3: a list of files
- fileListPath
Indicates to copy a given file set. Point to a text file that includes a list of files you want to copy, one file per line, which is the relative path to the path configured in the dataset.
When using this option, do not specify file name in dataset. See more examples in File list examples.
Additional settings:
recursiveIndicates whether the data is read recursively from the subfolders or only from the specified folder. Note that when recursive is set to true and the sink is a file-based store, an empty folder or subfolder isn't copied or created at the sink.
Allowed values are true (default) and false.
This property doesn't apply when you configure fileListPath.
deleteFilesAfterCompletionIndicates whether the binary files will be deleted from source store after successfully moving to the destination store. The file deletion is per file, so when copy activity fails, you will see some files have already been copied to the destination and deleted from source, while others are still remaining on source store.
This property is only valid in binary files copy scenario. The default value: false.
useBinaryTransferSpecify whether to use the binary transfer mode. The values are true for binary mode (default), and false for ASCII.No
enablePartitionDiscoveryFor files that are partitioned, specify whether to parse the partitions from the file path and add them as additional source columns.
Allowed values are false (default) and true.
partitionRootPathWhen partition discovery is enabled, specify the absolute root path in order to read partitioned folders as data columns.
If it is not specified, by default,
- When you use file path in dataset or list of files on source, partition root path is the path configured in dataset.
- When you use wildcard folder filter, partition root path is the sub-path before the first wildcard.
For example, assuming you configure the path in dataset as 'root/folder/year=2020/month=08/day=27':
- If you specify partition root path as 'root/folder/year=2020', copy activity will generate two more columns month and day with value '08' and '27' respectively, in addition to the columns inside the files.
- If partition root path is not specified, no extra column will be generated.
maxConcurrentConnectionsThe number of the connections to connect to the data store concurrently. Specify only when you want to limit the concurrent connection to the data store.No

When copying data form FTP, currently ADF tries to get the file length first, then divide the file into multiple parts and read them in parallel. If your FTP server doesn't support getting file length or seeking to read from a certain offset, you may encounter failure.


Folder and file filter examples

This section describes the resulting behavior of the folder path and file name with wildcard filters.

folderPathfileNamerecursiveSource folder structure and filter result (files in bold are retrieved)
Folder*(empty, use default)falseFolderA
Folder*(empty, use default)trueFolderA

File list examples

This section describes the resulting behavior of using file list path in copy activity source.

Assuming you have the following source folder structure and want to copy the files in bold:

Sample source structureContent in FileListToCopy.txtADF configuration
In dataset:
- Folder path: root/FolderA
In copy activity source:
- File list path: root/Metadata/FileListToCopy.txt
The file list path points to a text file in the same data store that includes a list of files you want to copy, one file per line with the relative path to the path configured in the dataset.

Lookup activity properties

To learn details about the properties, check Lookup activity.

GetMetadata activity properties

To learn details about the properties, check GetMetadata activity

Delete activity properties

To learn details about the properties, check Delete activity

Legacy models


The following models are still supported as-is for backward compatibility. You are suggested to use the new model mentioned in above sections going forward, and the ADF authoring UI has switched to generating the new model.

Legacy dataset model

typeThe type property of the dataset must be set to: FileShareYes
folderPathPath to the folder. Wildcard filter is supported, allowed wildcards are: * (matches zero or more characters) and ? (matches zero or single character); use ^ to escape if your actual folder name has wildcard or this escape char inside.
Examples: rootfolder/subfolder/, see more examples in Folder and file filter examples.
fileNameName or wildcard filter for the file(s) under the specified 'folderPath'. If you don't specify a value for this property, the dataset points to all files in the folder.
For filter, allowed wildcards are: * (matches zero or more characters) and ? (matches zero or single character).
- Example 1: 'fileName': '*.csv'
- Example 2: 'fileName': '???20180427.txt'
Use ^ to escape if your actual file name has wildcard or this escape char inside.
formatIf you want to copy files as-is between file-based stores (binary copy), skip the format section in both input and output dataset definitions.
If you want to parse files with a specific format, the following file format types are supported: TextFormat, JsonFormat, AvroFormat, OrcFormat, ParquetFormat. Set the type property under format to one of these values. For more information, see Text Format, Json Format, Avro Format, Orc Format, and Parquet Format sections.
No (only for binary copy scenario)
compressionSpecify the type and level of compression for the data. For more information, see Supported file formats and compression codecs.
Supported types are: GZip, Deflate, BZip2, and ZipDeflate.
Supported levels are: Optimal and Fastest.
useBinaryTransferSpecify whether to use the binary transfer mode. The values are true for binary mode (default), and false for ASCII.No

Ftp To Azure Cloud Service Providers


To copy all files under a folder, specify folderPath only.
To copy a single file with a given name, specify folderPath with folder part and fileName with file name.
To copy a subset of files under a folder, specify folderPath with folder part and fileName with wildcard filter.


If you were using 'fileFilter' property for file filter, it is still supported as-is, while you are suggested to use the new filter capability added to 'fileName' going forward.


Ftp To Azure App Service

Legacy copy activity source model

typeThe type property of the copy activity source must be set to: FileSystemSourceYes
recursiveIndicates whether the data is read recursively from the sub folders or only from the specified folder. Note when recursive is set to true and sink is file-based store, empty folder/sub-folder will not be copied/created at sink.
Allowed values are: true (default), false
maxConcurrentConnectionsThe number of the connections to connect to storage store concurrently. Specify only when you want to limit the concurrent connection to the data store.No

Azure App Service Ftp Port


Next steps

For a list of data stores supported as sources and sinks by the copy activity in Azure Data Factory, see supported data stores.

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